After studying the technology of Heat Pumps, existing solutions in the region, local providers and companies, documents and other things related to the project, I have started with detailed planning of the project. I first tried to figure out and list all activities needed for the project, after that I tried to arrange them in to the correct order – what to do first and what to do next. I checked my list with several companies discussing this issue and that is how I supplemented my plan and also verify my project plan. After having all activities in right order I started to plan costs and deadlines of the project. To be as much as possible exact, I have spoken with several providers, drillers, manufactures to discover all costs and realistic deadlines. The result was almost 4 month long project plan. Of course, it is possible to finish after one month, but in that time it was not possible, because you have to wait for the equipment, for the drillers, for calculations… at that time only few installations existed and it was hard to get quality and available company for implementation.So what to do first… the first thing in my plan was activity “Calculation of energy losses and energy needs for the building”